It easily occurs "rebound" and "leap collection" phenomena in the collection of low specific resistance dust by ESP because of excessive discharge and collection efficiency is low. 电除尘器收集低比电阻粉尘,由于放电过快,易产生“反弹”,形成“跳跃收集”过程,除尘效率较低。
Dust Concentration Distribution in the ESP and its Relation with Collection Efficiency 静电除尘器中浓度分布现象及其与除尘效率的关系
Results show that the flow resistance will be decreased and the collection efficiency of the porous solar wall will be increased with a decrease in the inlet air velocity. 计算结果表明,降低空气入口流速,可减小空气流动阻力,提高多孔墙的集热效率;附加玻璃通道的太阳能多孔墙可减小长波辐射损失,并且具有收集热空气的作用。
After modification, it achieves many benefits, such as high reliability and dust collection efficiency of the bag dust collector, convenience for overhaul and maintenance, and small space occupation. 改进后,提高了袋式除尘器的可靠性和收尘效率,检修维护方便,占用空间小。
Study on effect of the dust characteristics on collection efficiency of the ESP 粉尘性质对电除尘器性能影响的试验研究
These paper summaries the common faults in the operation of large rhombic bag filter and proposes improvement to ensure collection efficiency. 本文对菱形大布袋除尘器日常运行、维护、管理进行总结,以保证除尘效率。
Measures for Improving Collection Efficiency of Landfill Gas from Gao 'antun Waste Sanitary Landfill Site 提高高安屯卫生填埋场填埋气体收集效率的措施
Electrical agglomeration is supposed to be an efficient method to improve the collection efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator ( ESP) for collecting the submicron particles. 与传统的静电除尘器相比,电凝并除尘装置由于能够有效的收集亚微米级粉尘而备受人们的青睐。
Study on Collection Efficiency and Pressure Drop of Pleated Air Filters 褶型空气滤清器捕集效率及压力损失
The fractional collection efficiency of separator of CFB boiler is one of the main facts which control the performance of a circulating fluidized bed boiler. 分离器的分级分离效率是循环流化床锅炉性能的主要影响因素之一。
Double Apheresis Platelet's Quality and Effectors of Collection Efficiency 双份机采血小板质量和采集效率及影响因素
Study on Influence Factor of Collection Efficiency of the Electrostatic Precipitator 静电除尘器除尘效率影响因素的研究
Today's rock powder processing gives out serious particle pollution, which is resulted from low collection efficiency of cyclone classifier. 现有的石粉加工技术存在大量排放粉尘的问题,问题的症结在于旋风分级器收集效率不高。
Collection efficiency of photomultiplier tube 光电倍增管的收集效率
The dark current, charge collection efficiency and time response properties of CVD diamond film detectors are studied based on experiments and their theoretic analysis. 通过实验测量和理论分析,从载流子动力学角度研究了用于脉冲辐射探测的CVD金刚石薄膜探测器的适用结构、电荷收集效率和时间响应性能。
Charge collection efficiency of chemical vapor deposition diamond film detector to alpha-particles 化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜探测器对α粒子的电荷收集效率
The relation between concentration distribution and collection efficiency is also briefly stated. 同时,简要地阐述了浓度分布与除尘效率的关系。
The causes of concentration over-standard of dust emission are analyzed and counter measures to improve dust collection efficiency are put forward in this article. 文章分析了烟尘排放浓度超标的原因,并就提高收尘效率提出了相应的对策。
It is indicated by field use that this technology has high collection efficiency and high desulphurization efficiency. 经现场应用表明,该技术具有良好的脱硫、除尘效果。
Finally, the effects of the high temperature-pressure-concentration on the collection efficiency are discussed. 本文最后讨论了高温高压和高浓度对分离效率的影响。
The model as far as possible contained the parameters that affected granular layer filtration, and reflected the effect of dust deposition on collection efficiency and pressure loss. 该模型尽可能的包含了影响颗粒床过滤的参数,反映了沉积粉尘对过滤效率和压力损失的影响。
The empirical equation of single granule collection efficiency by impaction was established based on the experiments. 在实验的基础上,得到了计算单个颗粒惯性碰撞收集效率的经验方程式。
Based on the gas-solid flow theory, this paper also establishes a formula for estimating the collection efficiency. 根据气-固两相流理论确定了计算分离效率的公式。
For these kinds of traps, collection efficiency and pressure drop are the two most important characteristics. 捕集效率和压力损失是其两个最重要的性能指标。
Rotary reverse bag house is widely applied because of the advantages of good collection efficiency and simple structure. 回转反吹袋式除尘器以其除尘效果好、结构简单等优点得到了广泛的应用。
The formula of the collection efficiency and the extraction efficiency is given from the perspective of the electric flux in the theoretical analysis. 在理论研究上,从通量的角度给出了收集效率和抽取效率的公式。
The paper discusses the working principle of ESP, as well as the influencing factors of collection efficiency. 本文讨论了电除尘器的工作原理以及电除尘器工作过程中对其除尘效率产生影响的各种因素。
By overcoming the electrostatic precipitator of the back corona phenomenon, to effectively guarantee the collection efficiency. 通过克服电除尘器的反电晕现象,有效地保证了除尘效率。
The revenue income speed-up and the scale take the economical growth as a foundation, but the government expenditure needs, collection efficiency all has the direct influence to it. 税收收入的增速和规模以经济增长为基础,但政府支出需要、征管效率等因素都对其有直接的影响。